Some crucial Instagram marketing tips for marketers

With Facebook reducing in popularity among younger users, more and more businesses are switching to Instagram to target younger demographics.If you wish to adopt such kind of strategy, you’ll sure to take a look at the following Instagram marketing tips for getting the most out of your presence on the site.

Don’t overlook the “Bio” section
Before you pass “Go” and collect the money, don’t forget to fill out the “Bio” section of your Instagram page.  Doing so will ensure that people who want to connect with you elsewhere are able to make these connections.

Understand Instagram’s filters
Instagram feature over a dozen automatic image filters, but they’re not all developed equal.  In generally, my go-to favorites for general image editing include hefe, ink well and rise.

Try out other image editing apps
If Instagram’s filters aren’t enough it for you, there are plenty of other image editing apps out there to help you with your pictures the love they need.  In specifically, try out Lumie, PicMonkey, Pixlr and Color Splash.

Consider Story Arcs
The pictures you post on Instagram don’t need to be one-off photos that aren’t linked with each other.  Consider terms of story arcs and share range of pictures that show actions being taken, items that are linked with one another or progressions through time.

Try a Collage of Pictures
Alike, collages of pictures combined into a single image allow you to share more content with each upload.  As per the leading Instagram marketing Sydney experts, use the image editing apps referenced above or one of a number of other programs designed to help you mash up pictures in this way.

Add Text to Your Pictures
Memes are found to get a lot of grip on Instagram, so take benefit of this type of viral-style image by creating your own graphic and text combinations.  Utilize the Meme Generator website to research current meme trends, as well as make your own to share with the digital agency in Sydney.
